Monday, January 28, 2013

week 4: lands, climates, water availability

The expedition started off in a fairly unimpressive manner. The land was flat and relatively uniform throughout our first few weeks of travel. Day after day, more and more of the same. I should not be complaining, as scientifically tedious land often makes for easy travel. Water is readily available in many small streams and the weather is fair. Also, I have never seen the sky look so big.

The landscape morphed gradually, until I found myself in a land more dry and dead than I had ever seen before. Water had vanished, vegetation was extremely rare, and the terrain was almost unnavigable. The land was being baked in sunlight, and us along with it. I had never seen a landscape so alien, it almost seemed not of this earth. Rock formations were baffling and exotic. God is surely a eclectic architect.

After the expedition through the strange dry lands, we came across a mountain range. As we climbed, trees and vegetation came back to us, as well a decent amount of snow. The snow was surely not welcome. Following the edge of a great canyon, we thankfully were out of the snow in a few hours and on our way down. We were given a view of a great hilly plain with more mountains visible far in the distance. Its views like these that put our journey into perspective.

Navigating the plains was relatively easy compared to recent terrain, and we were at the base of the second mountain range before we knew it. As we headed into the mountains, nature seemed to unfold before us. All the sudden we were in what seemed like a organic paradise. Rivers, lakes, waterfalls, geysers, hot springs, the shining sun, and wildlife everywhere. If i was an animal, this is surely where I would live. Looking back over the land shows a great forest with rivers snaking through, and steam lifting up out of the trees in various locations. This will be hard to top.

The trees remained large for quite a while longer until the land flatted out, dried up, and turned yellow. This was somewhat welcome after the previous hard-traveled terrain. We were almost out of water when we came upon a great river, nestled into a brown rocky gorge. As we followed the river, the sun was covered by a layer of grey clouds and the landscape turned gradually more green and rich.

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