Tuesday, January 22, 2013

week 3 - roads and paths

It started off fairly easily. The paths of the midwest were well traveled enough. I set off West through the flat trails of Michigan and Illinois and made a turn North through Wisconsin and southern Minnesota where i crossed the great Mississippi River. Here I met the road West and ventured through the lands recently gained by the Louisiana Purchase. These paths were much less traveled, but the trip was fairly easy going until we hit a series of mountain ranges. Beautiful sights were beheld, but very hard travel nonetheless. As paths were almost nonexistent, I made much use of my compass. The second mountain range was exceptionally beautiful, scattered with geysers, waterfalls, and great meadows. From there I headed northwest and encountered dense and tall forests around a wonderful lake, guided by my compass and extremely primitive trails, probably made by local natives. Heading west, the land suddenly became vast and dry plains. This was less exciting, but made travel much easier. I then headed south on a dirt path until i came across a great river. I decided to follow it, and as I did the landscape changed from dry and brown to a lush green forest. I had arrived at my destination.

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